
Digital Sketch I did this evening... some days I just have to art it up, even if it's just making pretty fluff like this.


Digital collage with a sketch I did at work today.


For some reason this has always been one of my favorite sketches-it's more of a finished drawing I guess, but it's still sketchy enough that it feels alive to me.

Life Drawing, Fall 2005
Don't laugh at me, but I drew this for my car when I first got it.

Fall 2006

A literal interpretation of the Beatles song "Blackbird." Fall 2006.
Fall 2006.
Fall 2006.
Pretty sure this was Fall 2006 too.
Spring 2007.

Lookie! I attached her right hand to her left arm! I'm a friggin' genius! (only not really... :/)
Spring 2006.
Fall 2005.
Fall 2005.
Fall 2005.
Spring 2006
Fall 2005.
Fall 2005.
I seriously miss life drawing. :/
Fall 2007. Pseudo self portrait, but not really. [my own face was just more of a guideline, really.]


Thom Yorke!

Escape. 2006.

From my illustrated book project.

From my illustrated book project.
2004. Self-portrait caricature.